That’s easy to forget when enduring something challenging. Everything has its start and end. The lock down due to COVID-19, your health, your job, your friends and even your life. Everything. Remembering this stops you from stressing over every little inconvenience or taking your good fortune for granted.

The Zen parable about The glass that is already broken reminds us of this beautifully:

You see this goblet? For me this glass is already broken. I enjoy it. I drink out of it. It holds my water admirably, sometimes even reflecting the sun in beautiful patterns. If I should tap it, it has a lovely ring to it. But when I put this glass on a shelf and the wind knocks it over, or my elbow brushes it off the table and it falls to the ground and shatters, I say, ‘Of course.’ When I understand that this glass is already broken, every moment with it is precious. Every moment is just as it is, and nothing need be otherwise.

Enjoy every moment.